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Two Week Old King
Our future king is now 2 weeks old! He has developed a little bit of coloring on his nose, ears, and tail. Unlike Autumn, whose colors were apparent since Day...

Our Future King is Born!
Well, it’s finally happened! Our future king has arrived. He is almost exactly 4 months younger than princess Autumn. His color is… …::Drum-roll::.. still a mystery! Traditional pointed Ragdolls are born entirely white. His colors should begin to develop over...

New Color/Pattern Predictor!
Fellow Breeders Welcome! Are you eager to know what a litter of kittens will turn out to look like? Oregon Ragdolls may be able to help with our new color/pattern predictor located through the COLOR GENETICS arrow on the homepage. PC...

First Day of Autumn
Autumn has arrived! Autumn being our new queen. She is very sweet, very brave, and only wants to play. We believe wholeheartedly that she will make a wonderful mother. But, this kitten has some growing up to do before...

Construction Begins On Cat Playground
We have some ambitious ideas on what we want our playground to look like! The first step will be to clear out an appropriate area. The excavator pictured above will make short work of it. More details to come...

Princess Autumn (6 weeks)
Our future breeder officially has a name: Autumn! She is a Calico Bi-Color. Calico is related to the Tortie pattern family. “All Calicos are Torties, but not all Torties are Calico.” A Tortie will have a woven orange and...

New Nursery
After weeks of construction, the new kitten nursery is completely built.. and wow! It’s beautiful! The nursery features a 150 square foot kitten play area, customer entryway, and coolest of all: a 270° view of the surrounding outdoor environment. Customers will be...

Two Week Old Queen
Just two weeks old and already melting hearts! As you can see, our queen majesty’s eyes and ears are fully opened.. and she is up walking around, experiencing the world. This little bug will come home with us in eight...

Our Queen is Born
Our queen was born early this morning! She is a beautiful Tortie Bi-Color. …they aren’t looking their prettiest on day one (above). During the first week, a newborn kitten’s eyes are sealed...

Imagining the Queen and King
We have provided a deposit for a breeding pair of kittens from Desert Ragdolls. Personally, I am hoping for a Chocolate female and a Cream colored male! But, it is too soon to know ‘what’ or even ‘when’ our kittens will...