Posts Tagged with 'Ragdoll Kittens '

The Mysterious Black Ragdoll
Elder Ragdolls You’ve likely never seen a black Ragdoll. In fact, I believe we are the only Ragdoll cattery in Oregon currently providing this coat color. They are rare, but not for the reasons you may be thinking of. When...

Autumn’s First Litter
Autumn’s First Litter On September 16th, 2017 our cattery’s first litter was born!! Mother and father were both born on the 17th of their respective birth month, so we consider these kittens a day early. New parents at 1...

The Cats You Haven’t Met
We have two cats that we have yet to introduce, but you may find them roaming around our cattery. The first cat i’d like to introduce is our retired queen Rukia! She is a seal point mitted with a full...

First Day of Autumn
Autumn has arrived! Autumn being our new queen. She is very sweet, very brave, and only wants to play. We believe wholeheartedly that she will make a wonderful mother. But, this kitten has some growing up to do before...

Princess Autumn (6 weeks)
Our future breeder officially has a name: Autumn! She is a Calico Bi-Color. Calico is related to the Tortie pattern family. “All Calicos are Torties, but not all Torties are Calico.” A Tortie will have a woven orange and...

Two Week Old Queen
Just two weeks old and already melting hearts! As you can see, our queen majesty’s eyes and ears are fully opened.. and she is up walking around, experiencing the world. This little bug will come home with us in eight...